About Our Service

There are four values that drive our service each week:

(1) A Welcoming Atmosphere.

We want to have an atmosphere that allows anyone to feel comfortable here at FCC Byrdstown. No matter who you are, what you look like or what spiritual baggage you’ve walked in with, we want you to know that you are welcomed and loved by us!

(2) An Opportunity to Praise God

We create an opportunity every week to praise and worship our God through our music. We have a blended-worship style, which means that we sing both hymns and newer contemporary songs. No matter what we sing, our goal is to life praises up to God for all that He has done for us!

(3) A Moment to Reflect During Communion

We partake in communion every week at FCC Byrdstown. It is an important moment in our service where we reflect and focus on the sacrifice that Jesus made. To learn more about our beliefs regarding commmunion, check out our Beliefs Page.

(4) A Time to Learn from God’s Word

Each week, our Pastor or guest speaker does their best to bring an uplifting and Bible-based sermon. We teach straight from God’s Word, so we encourage you to bring your Bible!

If you want to catch up on our current sermon series, check out our Watch Page, to learn about all the ways you can view our services and messages.

Frequently Asked Questions

Where Should I Park?

There is a long stretch of parking right in front of the church! There is also additional parking across the street next to our playground and pavilion.

What Should I Wear?

We have a variety of attires every Sunday morning. Some come in a t-shirt and jeans, and some in a suit and tie. So wear something comfortable. We care more about you coming to church than what you’re wearing

What About My Kids?

We know that it can feel overwhelming to manage your young kids during Sunday service. This is why every Sunday we provide Kids Church! Kids Church is for kids from Birth through 5th Grade, and it allows them to learn about Jesus in an enviornment created just for them!

Check out our Next-Gen Page for more information!