History of First Christian Church Byrdstown

The Byrdstown Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) was organized July 16, 1917, when William C. Kirby “Bill C.” Smith met with a group of people in the old Pickett County Courthouse.

The land where First Christian Church now stands was donated by Charlie and Manza Reagan. A contract to build a new church was awarded to Major (Babe) Guffey and Walter Smith. The foundation of the church was made from rocks hewn by John Morgan. The lumber used was dressed poplar. During the construction of the original building, just after the framework and rafters were up waiting for the roof a big storm blew the building into the nearby field. More time was spent collecting and cleaning up the debris than was spent on the building before the storm.

The church building debt was quickly paid off by private donations. A local banker, John Lacy, headed a drive to pay the debt by challenging people to donate and offering to double their contributions. A dedication service for the new church was held and after a sermon by Bill C. Smith, the first minister to serve the church, everyone enjoyed a big “dinner on the ground.”

The church was heated by a huge “pot-bellied” wood burning stove in the center of the building. Brass oil burning lamps hung from the ceiling for lighting until the 1930s when electricity became available. Grady Holt along with James and Richard Huddleston served as janitors, sweeping floors and building fires for one dollar per month. Porter Clark served as custodian of the church for many years. He was also responsible for ringing the church bell each Sunday morning. He donated his services to the church.


Charter Members

J.L. Parris
Dr. I.L. Garrett
Alfred Matthews
Walter Smith
Mary Parris
Hattie Parris
Vera Huddleston
Harriett Huddleston
Gertie Huddleston
Docia Ann Huddleston
Mary Huddleston
Nancy Huddleston
Molly Huddleston
Easter Huddleston
Hattie Huddleston
Annie Huddleston
Maggie McDonald
Irene Garrett
Fonza Garrett
Minnie Lacy
Bertie Smith
Perry Smith
Rissie Zachary
Nan Zachary
J.J . Zachary
J.K.P. Zachary
Susan Reagan
Laura Robbins
Dillie Groce
Alice Vi Coe
Jennie Lou Coe
Emma Hunter 
Minnie Barnes
Hannah Easterly 
Mary Potts 
Hannah Poore
Mary Willoby 
Willie King 
Pearl Amonett
James Easterly

On September 3, 1944, the chuarch voted to raze the old church building and build a new one. The lumber in the old building was to be sold to help defray the expenses on the new building. This order was re­affirmed by the church in March 1948.

In April 1948, Everett Asberry, Sam W. Groce, Porter Clark and possible others began tearing the old building down to give space for the new building. When the old building was cleared away, Sam W. Groce came with his mule-drawn slip scoop and begar “scooping” out the basement. Everett Asberry took turns operating the scoop with Mr. Groce until the job was completed.

Carpenters for the new building were Ben Bilbrey, Harlan Lee and Porter Clark. Mr. Clark, being a member of the church donated his entire labor bill. His three grandsons, Everett, Edward and James Zachary worked as helpers, doing odd jobs and donating their work to the church.

During construction the congregation began meeting in the old high school auditorium for worship service where they continued to worship until the new church building was completed in 1949.

In 1964 Gilbert Evans was awarded a contract to build two wings to the church to provide more seating space in the sanctuary and office space for the minister. This addition was completed in 1965 and was paid by individual pledges and special church offerings.

On June 23, 1968, a resolution was passed by the congregation requesting that the Byrdstown Christian Church’s name be removed from the Annual Yearbook of the Disciples of Christ.

The .3 acre parking lot across the street from the church was a gift from Roy and Eldena Koger, Dorothy Ann Akin and Vicky Lynn Spodeck. A 24/48 foot picnic shelter with double restrooms, seven tables and seats, was erected on the land acros the street from the church in January 1996.

Some other gifts to the church include: Minister’s chair donated in memory of Curtis L. Holt by the Holt grandchildren; Curtains for the baptistery were made and donated by Elsie Holt; Book shelves were made and donated by Robert B. Gray; Communion Set and Collection Plates purchased by the Ladies Prayer Group

Traditions at First Christian Church Byrdstown

Over the last century First Christian Church has followed many traditions, some have lasted only a while but others remain today. Some of our traditions involve holidays and others, like church dinners, have been carried on since our beginning. We may not eat “dinner on the ground” anymore but it certainly rates as one of our favorite events. Vacation Bible school happens EVERY summer, youth and adult bible  study groups take place on Wednesday nights.

In February you will  find us looking for the perfect white elephant gift to wrap for our Valentine’s Day Social. Each passing birthday and anniversary is marked by putting money in a special can. No one remembers how this tradition began, yet it continues today.

On Christmas Eve you can experience the glow from the candlelight service. After the Easter service the ground will be sparkling with brightly colored eggs for the “young at heart” to find. If the community has an event, you can be assured that we will participate.

History of our Leadership


William C. Kirby “Bill C” Smith was the first minister to serve the church. He held this position for approximately one year part-time in 1917-1918. During this time he boarded with Joe and Maude Huddleston. After moving to other churches he returned as a “fill-in” minister for an occasional Sunday sermon and for revivals.

Fill-ins for the years 1919-1941 were Torrence Harer, L.B. Hassler, Tumer Holt, Curtis L. Holt, Bill C. Smith, H. G. Bell, S. C. Snodgrass and Howard Stark.

Howard Stark, 1941-1942

Orville Skeens (student) 1942 (summer)

John Phelps (student) 1943 (summer)

Curtis L. Holt (shared with other churches) 1944-1969

Mike Sabens (first full time) 1969-1970

Tracy Miller (Milligan College Faculty) 1971-1972

Bob Emmert 1972-1977

Mike Duncan 1977-1978

John Hattery 1978-1979

Bob Emmert 1979-1983

Jeff Marshall (Johnson Bible College student) 1983-few months

Ted Avant 1983-1987

Mike Watts 1987-1988

Carl Bridges and Ron Wheeler (JBC Faculty fill-in)

Gary Snowden 1988-few weeks

Charles Presley (JBC), 1990 – a few months

Gene Grasham, 1990-2005

John Davis, 2006-2011

John Stone II, 2011-2018


Memorable Ministers

Serving as minister of the Byrdstown Christian Church longer than anyone was Curtis L. Holt. He began his ministry with the church in February 1944, preaching two or three Sundays each month with two sermons each day. He pastored the remaining Sundays with Midway, Lovelady and Bloomington Christian Churches. Lovelady and Midway hired full-time ministers leaving Bloomington and Byrdstown the two churches he served for 25 consecutive years. He died May 20, 1969, at the age of 77. He served 57 years in the ministry.

After the death of Mr. Holt, Mike Sabens, a senior at Johnson Bible College, began serving the Byrdstown and Bloomington churches in May 1969. On May 8, 1970. the Byrdstown Christian Church  called him as the first full time minister in the history of the church. Since the church did not own a parsonage, he moved his family into a house owned by Delmer and Edna Crouch. He resigned on Nov. 23, 1970.

Tracy Miller, a member of the faculty at Milligan College, served as part-time minister (Sunday mornings only) from February 1971 until May 1972.

Bob Emmert was called to pastor the church May 6, 1973. The Emmert family moved into a mobile home owned by Edward and Mary Zachary. The Zacharys gave the church use of the home rent free while Mr. Zachary served a tour of duty in Vietnam. In 1973 the church purchased a lot from David and Pat Rich on which to build a parsonage. Gilbert Evans was awarded the contract to build. It was completed in 1974. The Emmert family was the first to occupy the parsonage. Yearly pledges and special offerings taken on the last Sunday of each month financed this debt. After five years as minister of the church, Mr. Emmert resigned to pastor a church in Clinton, Tennessee. After two short ministries with Mike Duncan and John Hattery, the church voted to call Bob Emmert on Sept. 23, 1979 for his second ministry with the church. The Emmerts (Bob, Molly, Grace Ann, Rebekah, Luke and John) moved back to Byrdstown on Oct. 3, 1979. After five more years with the church, Mr. Emmert resigned June 26, 1983 to establish and build a Christian Church in Jefferson City, Tennessee, where he still remains.

On July 6, 1983, Ted Avant was called to serve as minister of the church. During Mr. Avant’s ministry, plans were finalized to build another addition to the church. For this addition more land was needed. On Dec. 14, 1983, it was announced that Travis Guffey had agreed to give the land needed for the expansion of the building. The ground-breaking ceremony was held at the close of the church services on Feb. 19, 1984.

The church board appointed Glenn Sells as supervisor of the building program. This new addition consisted of a fellowship hall, new kitchen, additional classrooms, nursery and additional space in the sanctuary along with bathrooms and a baptistery. The dedication service was held on Nov. 24, 1984. Dr. David Eubanks, President of John Bible College, gave the Dedicatory Address.

After almost four years with the Byrdstown Christian Church, Mr. Avant resigned on Feb. 15, 1987, to pastor a church where he previously served. He is retired and still living in Cornith. After one full time minister and two “fill-ins” the church hired Gary Snowden, a missionary with the West Indies Christian Mission in St Croix, on June 19, 1988. He resigned April 15, 1990 to pastor the  Kent Christian Church in Madison, Indiana. Gene Grasham preached a trial sermon on June 6, 1990. Immediately following the services, the congregation voted to hire him. On Aug. 7, 1990 the Grasham family (Gene, Barbara, Robert and  Timothy) moved into the parsonage. His first sermon with the church was on Aug. 12, 1990. The first service for the ordination of a minister to be conducted in the Byrdstown Christian Church was that of Tim Grasham, son of Gene and Barbara Grasham, on May 5, 1996. His father presented  him as a candidate for ordination into the ministry. After confirmation by the congregation his grandfather, Raymond Martin, a minister from Columbia, Kentucky, gave the charge to Tim, the newly ordained minister.

 Leadership Across the Years


J.L. Parris, Ben E. Groce, D.M. Brown, Curtis L. Holt, J.H. Robbins, 1.L. Garrett, Polk Garrett, Delmer Crouch, Clyde McDonald, Taskel Rich, Norman Hill, Roy Koger, Lyle Donaldson, J.R. Simmons, Ralph Booher, Doug Garrett and Bill Robbins


J.H. Robbins, Alfred Matthews, James Easterly, Willis M. Huddleston, Andrew J. Crisp, Morrison Huddleston, Roscoe Story, J.B. Gilreath, John Cope, Glenn Sells, Everett Asberry, B.Q Harrison, James (Dick) Dillon, Wanza Pendergrass, Howard Rains, Willie Phillips, Ray Bilbrey, Chester (Kayo) Mullins, Forest Martin, Lyle Donaldson, Glenn Paris, Roger Rich, J.R. Simmons, Jack Storie, David King, Ralph Booher, Keith Parrott, Douglas Garrett, Mike Bilbrey, Bill Robbins, Bob Robbins, Stephen Bilbrey, Tom Allen, Jim Gray, Adam Parrott, Brad Cross and John Reagan


Elizabeth Garrett and Virginia Evans

Choir Directors

Bob Emmert
Fontella Storie
Elaine Beaty
Angela Allen

Secretaries, Clerks and Treasurers 

Laura Robbins, Elva Huddleston, Virginia Evans, Edna Crouch, Elizabeth Garrett, Claudine Dillon and Sandy Parris

Song Leaders

L.B. Hassler, Willis M. Huddleston, Norman Hill, George Butler, Willie Phillips, J.R. Simmons, Doug Elder, Barbara Grasharn and Craig Gray

Pianists and Organists

Dona Groce, Wilma Coe, Bertie Holt, Estelle Mulllins, Virginia Evans, Ruth Holt, Dorothy Ann Koger, Susan Rich, Vicky Lynn Koger, Glenda Evans, Carolyn Garrett, Molly Emmert, Delilah Donaldson, Elaine Beaty, Fontella Storie, Kim Snowden, Amy Simmons, Jori Monday, Jane Ford, Mary Alice Egler and Angela Allen

Matt. 19: 14

Our Stained Glass Windows

Donated in memory and honor of the lives of members of First Christian Church Byrdstown, the inspiring memorial windows in our sanctuary tell the story of the life of Christ from his birth through his ministry until his death and resurrection.

Click on each window to see a detailed view.

Matt. 28: 16-20
Isaiah 9:6-7
Luke 2: 8-20
Matt. 3:13-17
John 4: 1-42
Matt. 27: 32-56
Acts 1: 6-11