Baptism is One of Two Ordinances Observed by First Christian Church
While Baptism is essential, one is not saved by Baptism alone. Baptism follows a belief in Jesus; repentance of one’s sins; and a public confession of Jesus as savior.
- Jesus began His ministry by being baptized. Matthew 3:13-17
- The last thing Jesus commanded was baptism. Matthew 28:19
- Baptism is the very first commandment of the apostles regarding the forgiveness of sins. Acts 2:38
- Baptism is said to bring us into Christ’s death. Romans 6:3-11
- Baptism, in response to a good conscience is said to save us. 1 Peter 3:21
Examples of Bible Conversions
Three thousand converted on the day of Pentecost – Acts 2:1-38
The people of Samaria’s conversion – Acts 8:5-12
Simon the sorcerer’s conversion – Acts 8:13
A queen’s treasurer’s conversion – Acts 8:26-38
Paul (Saul of Tarsus) conversion – Acts 9:1-18 & 22:6-16
Lydia’s conversion – Acts 16: 14-15
The jailer’s conversion – Acts 16: 23-33
Why we do not practice sprinkling as a form of Baptism…
Sprinkling was only introduced as a substitute of Baptism centuries after the Church began on Pentecost. The Edinburgh Encyclopedia, in its article on baptism, provides the following information.
“The first law for sprinkling came about in the following manner: Pope Stephen II, being driven from Rome by Adolphus, King of the Lombards, in 753 A.D. fled to Pepin. While he remained there, the monks of Cressy in Brittany consulted him as to whether in case of necessity; water might be poured on the head of an infant instead of using immersion. Pope Stephen declared that it was acceptable. It was not till almost 400 years later in 1311 A.D. that the legislature, in a Council at Ravenna, declared sprinkling to be the same as immersion.”
It should be noted that this “CHANGE” was not made by Christ or by any of his Apostles.
Since God’s Word does not change, we baptize believers only by immersion. We accept transfers of membership only when one tells us that in response to their faith, their baptism was by immersion and for the remission of their sins.
Biblical Facts About Baptism
In Water, Acts 10:47
By Immersion, John 3:23
For A New Birth, John 3:5
Represents Burial, Romans 6:4
Represents a Planting, Romans 6:5
Represents a Washing, Hebrews 10:22
Represents Resurrection, Colossians 2:12
River Baptism in Our Early Years
The jailer’s conversion – Acts 16: 23-33